Oct 05, 2005 15:29
Something I've noticed since i got back is the lack of procrastination reading material. Been back at Reed for two months now (of which two weeks were before classes) and it feels like i used to have a lot more i could do besides school work. So as a result, for the first time of my life i am only a week behind all of my classes (that value is an average of all the classes, in reality i'm about a month behind in biochem, a class behind jun.sem, on top of crwrit., and i'm not really paying attention ever in french but i fill in the silly blanks anyway). But anyways till now lack of procrastination tools haven't been too much of a problem. Only now i have an essay due tomorrow and i'm feelin' a bit ahead (by which i mean i only have a page left but about three pages worth of arguement).
In other awesomeness: I am not an utterly crap writer, I've worked out three days in a row, and my dormies are not complete drug addicts and buy me beer (a.k.a thus far i have no reason not to love being a H.A.)
Movies I haven't seen but want to: Red Eye, Thumbsucker, Brothers Grimm, Serenity
Music I want but can't have 'cause I'm cheap and lazy: Black Eyed Peas- Monkey Buisiness, Gorillaz-Demon Days, Nitin Sawhaney's new album, Natasha Beningfeild's new album, The Decemberists' new album, and Beck's - Guero.