Title: straight on til morning
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Aaron
Rating: PG
Word Count: 108
Summary: He already knows this story. (prompt - map, written for
lost_in_108, Playing With Matches verse)
"You're kind of a legend around here," Walt says the first time Aaron falls from the sky.
His mother speaks of him in the future tense, as if he'll never grow up, as if he hasn't already. She drags a finger through the air, connecting the stars as she sings, "We're following the leader, the leader."
Aaron knows the story (his own); a liar will play his father, his villain. Ben brings him puzzles, numbers played on a loop, Latin words scribbled across the life they've already mapped out for him.
His stomach twists as he finds that second star, wishes it would burn out. "I hate flying."