Title: one foot in front of the other
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Charlie Hume, Ben
Rating: PG
Word Count: 108
Summary: There's no place for strict lines here. (prompt - thanks, written for
lost_in_108 , PWM verse)
("he has charlie's eyes," desmond would swear reverently)
Charlie finds an old piano in the barracks, the clunky keys falling into line under his hands.
March, two three, it goes.
(in the nonsense world his father lives in, there's no place for strict lines)
"I knew your grandfather," Ben mumbles over the music. He says Charles the way Charlie says Desmond - unsettled and off-key, "He'd be proud," and Charlie's fingers stutter.
("i worry about him, pen. he's too much like your father."
"he's too much like his father. afraid to make his own music.")
Charlie swipes at his eyes, tries to find his place - again, two three. "Thanks."