Title: These Foolish Games
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Esau/Eloise
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 108
Summary: I'm never who you want me to be. (prompt - vacation, written for
lost_in_108 )
Eloise tastes like the island, like wind and sand and salt, but she also tastes human, like coffee and chocolate and sweat, like her, but not (he doesn't care, she's human, and the word spills out in place of her name, and she laughs).
He tries to be gentle (not like he knows what that means anymore), but his fingers grip too firmly on the back of her neck. "Why are you here?" he can never keep from asking.
"Because," Eloise always mumbles, mouth on his jaw, "they're all wrong about you."
(she said the same thing, back in the real world, before he ran)
"No, they're not."