Mar 15, 2006 02:24
This is in response to the simplest impossible question ever concived...
The E.N.D.* of an early 2006
*Enders, Nicholas Daniel
Physically I am something of an oddity. Standing six-two and weighing around two-seventy with a barrel chest and tree trunk legs, big and bulky is not an unfair way to describe me. My body is peppered with over a dozen cysts of sizes ranging from a large BB, to the size of a golf ball. My both eyes reflect light the same way a dogs or cats eye does, because of the synthetic lenses implanted. I love the eerie effect that it has sometimes. I have nearly no scars on my body because for some reason they completely heal within a year or two without a trace, except for the road rash on the right side of my face when I was much younger. Now my beard is almost splotchy. I blush easily. I have a strong back and know how to throw my weight around. For some reason this year I am tanning after nine hours in the southern sun instead of burning to a crisp. I become sick only once or twice a year, but it usually puts me down for a solid week. And I am proud of the dexterity of my hands. I am neither ugly nor particularly physically attractive.
Even though I am not the best looker in a crowd, I have the confidence and a certain charisma that draws people in. Being a smooth talker has gotten me both into and out of many a sticky situation. I am satisfied by simple pleasures and delight in the natural wonders of the world. I try to be kind and responsible for my words. I am good with crowds, love children and animals, have never had a bit of stage fright or concern about public speaking, though an invasion of my personal space by several people at once trigger feelings of anxiety. I am an active listener, and more than just slightly empathetic. I have been told that I have a certain worldliness about me, which I account to my ability to listen and the constant moving while I was growing up. Though sometimes I am just plain arrogant.
For many different reasons, I have always been on the move. In my life I have been to fourteen different schools, and in just the last two years I have lived in five states. I value my ability to adapt more highly than any other skill I posses. I have been an avid people watcher since I was young, because people confused me and my low esteem forced the thought that I was never going to be able to fit in. I have dealt with tragedy after trauma and have come out stronger and more understanding of people and the world. But that strength and understanding have come with a still looming cost.
I have over the last few years I have developed sleep apnea, which is when the body simply stops breathing during a certain part of the sleep cycle. This causes havoc with my long and short term memory. I am also a lucid dreamer and in conjunction with the sleep apnea it has always been very difficult to distinguish my dreams from reality. And unfortunately my dreams usually are set in the work place.
I have always been happiest when I am working on a project. I define myself by my work and what I accomplish. Right now I have vague goals such as “school” and “good job”, but I don’t know what career I plan on pursuing. I know that there is a plan, I just have to stay on course and things will work. I am a culmination of a divine guidance, the will to thrive, and the most unbelievable luck.