
Oct 05, 2005 16:41

See, now this, this is why getting a live journal was always going to be a bad move on my part. I am going to do what I said I would never do - I am going to discuss in a forum that is very public political issues! Here I am enjoying catching up with lj when I come across this:;sid=2005/10/3/223530/406


Bad enough that I spent a long time having to explain why the Australian Treasurer made my blood boil when he made a comment on National TV about every woman having one (child) for their husband, one for themselves and one for their country and it being their duty! Bad enough that I have to explain to students that countries in the past have done (and still do) terrible things to women all in the name of having more, or less or no children and no role in society and the government of the country sees it is correct for them to sterilise women against their will or to take away monetary privileges or work opportunities if they don't tow the line. The students responses invariably are the naive "well they are a backward country Miss". So tell me - what does this latest piece of legislation mean for the USA hmmm? Granted - I take a deep breath and say - well it wont get passed - Indianna wont really do that - it is all sensationalised...blah blah blah. What I cant escape is the insidiousness of the intent - the particular way in which the bill is worded and the implications that the bill has about how Government is really trying to govern individual lives - How dare prospective couples have to jump through hoops and answer questionnaires about their faith and have character references to receive IVF treatment!

A Democracy means that we elect officials to see to it that we are represented in the governing of a state/country and through them, our wishes and intents are taken into consideration when legislation is written and enacted. Pardon me for thinking that I DONT need nor want a government telling me when, where and how I can have a child if I so choose to have a child.

My snarky self tells me to take this and run with it - everyone is always telling me that I will regret my decision to not have children (lets NOT get me started on that discussion!)- maybe I need to move to Indiana - then I will have a bona fide law telling me that I can't have children unless I am married and have a legal piece of paper telling me that I am allowed to because I meet all the criteria for being a mum - according to this current government and their not so secret 'secret agenda'!!! Lets see how long it takes Howard and his band of merry men to jump on this band wagon - never seems to take too long!

Okay - here end the rant...back to blissful silence from my corner of the world....grrrrr
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