Well for anyone who hasn't yet heard this story an 11 year old girl recently died of a treatable form of diabetes after her religious parents refused to get her treatment. They instead chose to wait for "God" to save her...now their child is dead from an otherwise treatable condition. The part that should sicken everyone is that while the parents prayed this young child suffered greatly.
According to the article
"She had probably been ill for about a month, suffering symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness"
The saddest part to me is that the parents will not learn their lesson. They will chalk her death up to "Gods Will" and they won't learn a damn thing! Another promising young life destroyed by Ignorance and Faith.
Lesson of the day: God is not real!!.....Hospitals are. Don't wait for your imaginary friend to save your children when doctors are always willing to help.
Link to article