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Hee, it ish nice. x3
I'm not quite sure why I decided to write a post after such a long hiatus. I guess I'm in an oddly fluffy mood and I don't want to talk to anybody because they'll find a way to ruin it, so I talk to the computer. <3
Maow. ;0
On second thought I shall go speak with teh boyfriend about giving him a haircut ala Lina. :0 XD
I read a good book recently called Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? I don't remember who it was by but in it, Earth went through an atomic war and most of the population migrated to colonies all over the Solar system because Earth was covered with Dust, radioactive particles. To speed up the emigration colonists were given organic androids to use as servants, and sometimes these killed their humans and fled back to Earth. These androids were picked off by bounty hunter policemen and were distinguished from humans using a test that gauged empathy towards living things. Also, almost all animals on Earth have died out- the only ones left are bought and kept by the people who haven't immigrated, and some people have electric animals because they cannot afford a real one; living things are considered rare and sacred.
This is the bit I found really interesting- most animals aren't empathetic because it is inconvinient in terms of survival, humans are likely the only ones. But as I was reading, I thought of so many examples of people that would test out as androids that it was slightly saddening. :0 Maybe its the idea of the 'global village' that conditions people to be so apathetic- you hear and see everything that happens around the world, which totals to a lot of death and disease and misery, and you slowly distance yourself from caring. Reading about how the people back on Earth lived among the rubble and decay and tried to save as many living things as possible reminds me of a lyric- 'nothing is real til its gone.' :0