Warning to self

Jul 08, 2006 01:23

Never again will you try licking a spoon encrusted with day-old remains of pie no matter how tasty it smells or how badly you hunger for munchies at odd hours of the night. Amen.

Yes. Well. What can I say? It didn't look half-bad. *shifts eyes*

Hohoho! After much sweat and blood and a .psd file that has made it into the godly ranks of .psds with upwards of 50 layers, the layout and moodtheme is done. And oh! How it hurts me.. and my eyes, who are burning so brightly and painfully at the moment that I resort to considering them seperate entities just to mentally distance myself from some of the paeen.

:) Mmm, PAEEN.

And on it goes. So! What have I accomplished this week? Nothing I haven't mentioned already.. apart from the random flower-picking and arranging this morning, but that is something of an anomaly and creeped the monkey-spanking fcuk out of me with its sudden invasion of my otherwise boring day. *slaps self* >_> I have made a personal enemy out of the crabgrass on my lawn. TAKE WEED-KILLER, HELLSPAWN. *...fzshht...fzshht* (For some reason the sprayer-thingeh that comes with my brand of weedkiller is of a unique and superior retardation to all other sprayer-thingies that I have ever encountered in my life.)

Ah, the highlights of my life.

I've been guzzling so much water lately. Unfortunately it still falls short of the recommended 6-8 cups per day. I doubt any sane, self-respecting human being would ever consume that much water willingly. Unless they are on a diet, of course. (as is the case with my mari.. I pity deh beautiful Audrie greatly. ;o; <3)



The cat is snoozing away on the mess of blankets and pillows that Yam and the others left behind after our picnic inthefreakinrain. I believe this is the first time in months that he has willingly set foot in this room, much less decided to spend the night.. the cheating asshat. >>; I bet the linen is closed. He was quite taken with the linen earlier this month, and they had a rather odd love-hate relationship where he couldn't stay away and then kept getting locked inside for his troubles. Kitty then myawed his dark little heart out for hours until some poor soul passing by would free him from his beloved's stiffling embrace.

Unfortunately the linen is right beside my room, so I was the poor soul that resolved his daily spats with the towel closet. *saaigh*

..It feels rather awkward to write after such a long abstinence. I have to learn how to make things brief and to the point all over again. XD Though it's no fun then, I guess.

Oh! And I am going on a 3-day trip through Algonquin Park with teh fahja on Monday. o_O Am curious as to how it'll turn out. Hopefully no one (and I'm not talking about bears, here, no sah) will feel inclined to rip the throat out of their happy fellow campers. Fahja and I have been getting along quite well lately, it would be a pity. ^^

*creeped out* Ah well.. it's late. No wonder I feel as if I'm undergoing mental retardation. *drinks more waterrr* Mmm. My neck feels odd, if I try to stretch it to ease the cramp in the right side, I just end up hurting myself further. For some reason I'm no longer able to function well at night. o_O My muscles tense up and hurt terribly, my stomach feels like its undergone gravitational collapse, and my head... well. XD I will refrain from explaining, as this post elaborates too much on THAT topic already just by EXISTING.

>__>; Yay crack pos-- *looks at cat and spontaneously implodes on self from unbearable cuteness levels* x_x

E-E-E-EDIT: ..I just realized what odd gibberish I typed into the mood... KKK? XD Oh, subconscience. How I adore you. I need to hunt the KH2 icon I saw with that caption and yanksh it. >__>;; All for me~ to touch and coo over. O__O *slaps self in the face* I need fcuking sleep.

Or coffee.

o_O That sounds painfully tempting right about now. Hum.
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