On Monday, I met up with Mr DAN WILLIAMS (
xenophile) who was in town visiting his (real - not imaginary) friend, Tom. They just finished a trip to Europe. So, Dan, Tom, Rory and I ate at Boston Beer Works and chatted and that kinda stuff.
Tuesday night, Neal came over to help me move... Thank g-g-g-g-d cuz I don't know what the hell I would've done otherwise. We moved some shit that night... and rest yesterday. It was a million degrees... but it's twice as hot out today.
Here are some things I learned from this move:
a. Don't go through Harvard Square in the middle of the afternoon when there is construction
b. After (not surprisingly) locking us out of the house in the middle of bringing shit down to the car, I found out that credit cards CAN be used to break into front doors (or at least when Neal tries it).
c. FUCK LOFT BEDS. They are a pain in the ass to assemble and disassemble. You need three people to assemble the fucking thing... and there's about 75 screws of 8 different types.
d. People will take anything you don't want if you leave it out on the sidewalk.
e. Don't carry stuff down three flights of stairs barefoot.
f. I am 98% never correct with sense of direction... no matter how much i think i have a sense of direction. Everyone else knew this... it just took myself time to realize it.
g. Mattresses can just be tossed down three flights of stairs
h. Smoking in your bedroom is shittier than I thought it was. Especially during the winter when you don't open your windows or use fans. On the other hand, the yellow comes off with regular cleaner.
i. Express Busses are awesome. Less crowded, faster, working a/c. !
And, that's all I have for now.
Break time.