Jul 03, 2003 23:44
Damn.... after I got my heartbroken i completely was am well am such a wreck. i couldn't belive how daria said she loved me and then in one weel she said she never did....
Well that fucked with my emotions , mind , and well... life... so i thought what kind of person does that?
Well i thought she was heartless for doing that.. ya know when I'm emotional.. I'M EMOTIONAL!! so naturally i would think negative things... and so i thought she is so cruel... but at least daria didnt laugh at me when i cried... well not that i know of... i sure h0pe she didnt!!!! well, today i talk to this girl and i come to find that she really is heartless and im not saying that with emotions flaring everywhere like i thought about daria when i was emotional .. but damn... it mad me sad just talking to her
It's girls like that and things like my breakup that really bring me to the point of not ever trying for love anymore....
well- i know ill try with daria, i have h0pes... *shrugs*
sTud a mUfFin88: ah i had a dream u were a chick and i got scard and ran away
sTud a mUfFin88: cuz u went all lesbian on me and i just ran adn then i woke up but ur not a girl rite
ChillyWilly296: no
ChillyWilly296: not a girl
ChillyWilly296: a dream with me in it
sTud a mUfFin88: good cuz that dream scared me
ChillyWilly296: have you any idea what i look like?
sTud a mUfFin88: ya u sent me those picks like miillions of times
sTud a mUfFin88: i dunno why i thought u were a girl
ChillyWilly296: hmmm , you still have those?
sTud a mUfFin88: have what
sTud a mUfFin88: no cuz i was at party sitting on my friends lap
sTud a mUfFin88: and ur like hi im chilyl willy and im like ah ur a girl and ur like follow me or something and i was like nooo and i ran away
sTud a mUfFin88: and my friend nick wa sluaghing at me or something
ChillyWilly296: lol
ChillyWilly296: ha
ChillyWilly296: my name is Ramon
ChillyWilly296: prnounced ... ruh-moan
sTud a mUfFin88: i know u told me like the band
ChillyWilly296: tere ya go
ChillyWilly296: hmm... chillywilly in the dream
ChillyWilly296: dats cool
ChillyWilly296: you made me smile
ChillyWilly296: thank you
ChillyWilly296: :-)
ChillyWilly296: wat have you been up to?
ChillyWilly296: i think i lost that pic of you... but i remember you being a really hott little emo type girl
sTud a mUfFin88: i dumped my bf :/
ChillyWilly296: yup ,
ChillyWilly296: what went wrong?
sTud a mUfFin88: i just didnt love him anymore
sTud a mUfFin88: and i was nice about it o u no last bf i had i was like i made out with some guy and hes hotter then u and u no well see ya english
ChillyWilly296: yea thats right
ChillyWilly296: you're that really bitch girl
ChillyWilly296: i remember
sTud a mUfFin88: why is he mad at me ur a guy why would he mad at me i was nice about he and he was like whatever got up and left and he changed his sn and wont talk to me
sTud a mUfFin88: i can be bitchy but im not suppose to have feeling im the bitch girl and now im sad over dumping him cuz i didnt wanna hurt him im not suppose to care about these things
ChillyWilly296: yes you are
ChillyWilly296: your a fucking psychopath if you dont
ChillyWilly296: have a heart
ChillyWilly296: jeeze!
ChillyWilly296: its girls like you that make guys cry and start emo bands
sTud a mUfFin88: ya arent u proud
ChillyWilly296: to be honest im disgusted
ChillyWilly296: why would you do something l;ike that
ChillyWilly296: or say something like that
ChillyWilly296: thats such a horrible thing to do
sTud a mUfFin88: its funny to make them cry
sTud a mUfFin88: well it used to be
ChillyWilly296: i feel dirty associating with sumone that does that
ChillyWilly296: you dont deserve anyone
sTud a mUfFin88: ya i do hey that was my miiddle school days
sTud a mUfFin88: and this year i did alot of that to but once spring came i was a diff person
ChillyWilly296: thats just so sad
ChillyWilly296: dont tell me things like that anymore... it makes my opinion of you go down drastically
ChillyWilly296: so sad...
sTud a mUfFin88: hey i was a prep in my olden days trust me i cried dumping my bf i felt so bad about it like i dicdnt want to but i had to
sTud a mUfFin88: the other 15 guys ... welll i dunno about them but i felt bad about thi sone
ChillyWilly296: being that i dont know you i will restrain form saying anything
ChillyWilly296: and well im not a mean person so ill just keep to myself
sTud a mUfFin88: go ahead
sTud a mUfFin88: nothing bothers me trust me
sTud a mUfFin88: anybody can say anything to me i dont care
ChillyWilly296: but just know that.. well.... dats just really not nice!
ChillyWilly296: i dont like saying bad things
ChillyWilly296: nor mean things
sTud a mUfFin88: u no what ive been called ive had rinos brother call me from college and insult me for na hour
sTud a mUfFin88: and i just laughed
sTud a mUfFin88: because nothing bothers me
ChillyWilly296: its not me , and also gives you bad kharma
sTud a mUfFin88: anicnt civs i love u
ChillyWilly296: wats that mean?
sTud a mUfFin88: karam ... like i took anicnt civs and me and my friend always are like anicnt civs and love and well its not my biggest thing but anything anicnt civs we go anicnt civs! and ya u no im a high school girl im werid
ChillyWilly296: no , no... weird doesnt describe you
ChillyWilly296: ill finmd a word
ChillyWilly296: itll suit you
ChillyWilly296: :-)
sTud a mUfFin88: slut?
sTud a mUfFin88: i get that one alot
ChillyWilly296: ha , no
ChillyWilly296: i cant judge you
ChillyWilly296: especially cant call you a slut
ChillyWilly296: i dont even know you
ChillyWilly296: all i know about you is from what you tell me
ChillyWilly296: i mean you i could say heartless
ChillyWilly296: but i wont... you say youve actually began to care
ChillyWilly296: after you made him cry
sTud a mUfFin88: not anymore i changed somewhat
ChillyWilly296: right?
ChillyWilly296: yea ... :-)
sTud a mUfFin88: i felt bad and i cried
sTud a mUfFin88: how come im feeling bad when im the one who dumped him
ChillyWilly296: psy·cho·path
A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.
ChillyWilly296: thats more like you
ChillyWilly296: the no empathy or remorse
sTud a mUfFin88: lol ya crimnal ... well i did steal those thongs once
ChillyWilly296: hmmm
ChillyWilly296: i see
ChillyWilly296: lol
sTud a mUfFin88: well we just walked in to try stuff on and walked out wearing them all
sTud a mUfFin88: and its not wrong if u dont get cauht
ChillyWilly296: its still wrong
ChillyWilly296: where do you get your philosophy from YM magazine?
sTud a mUfFin88: noo i have my philosphy about things
ChillyWilly296: i see...
ChillyWilly296: do you believe in getting what you desrve... or being payed back three-fold for something you do ?
sTud a mUfFin88: ya that deff alrady happaned to me
sTud a mUfFin88: summer before 8th long story 4 people know and thats who its gonna stay
ChillyWilly296: no.. i dont think it has
sTud a mUfFin88: yea huh
ChillyWilly296: has a guy made you break down and cry nefore?
ChillyWilly296: before*
sTud a mUfFin88: nope oh well rich did
sTud a mUfFin88: but that the long story
sTud a mUfFin88: i hate that kid so much
sTud a mUfFin88: if i could kill him
ChillyWilly296: has sumone lead you on for you to hope something and then have you come crashing down
sTud a mUfFin88: i would
ChillyWilly296: just so he can laugh at you?
sTud a mUfFin88: with my barehands i would kill him i hate him so much
sTud a mUfFin88: uhh no i usualyl did that
ChillyWilly296: ok.. perfect example!!!
ChillyWilly296: now you dont like rich... right?
sTud a mUfFin88: what do u think
sTud a mUfFin88: thats that kid in the pic and ya
sTud a mUfFin88: ya hes 18 now so i dunno where he is and i never ever wanna see him aigan
ChillyWilly296: now would you say you feel anger towards him?
sTud a mUfFin88: figure it out for urself
sTud a mUfFin88: im sure u can manage that
ChillyWilly296: so ill take that as a yes
ChillyWilly296: now... how do you think your exes felt when you made them cry then laughed at them?
sTud a mUfFin88: lol i still think its funny
sTud a mUfFin88: espically derek
sTud a mUfFin88: haha that was fun
ChillyWilly296: ill stop trying
sTud a mUfFin88: but rich i wish i could kill him when i had the chance ya well he almsot had to get his ball removed but you know docters these days
ChillyWilly296: you wont get it
ChillyWilly296: nevermind...
ChillyWilly296: soo what you do today?
how can people be like that?
and lemme tell you all.. this girl really is like.. wow... MASSIVELY DROOL WORTHY!! but the convo really brought down her looks and what i think about her... yucky!
you just dont do that to people... :(