My Agent News: I've signed with . . .

Nov 01, 2012 08:07

In April of 2007, I wrote my first query letter and entered an online contest. I ended up with a full request from a popular agent. That request turned into an R&R, then the agent’s clients started leaving her and the agent fell off the radar.  After that I wrote five more YA manuscripts which netted me tons of requests and rejections, offers to look at future manuscripts and even phone calls. I took classes. I went to conferences, did critiques and pitch sessions. Last year, I waited between 8 and 9 months to hear back from three separate agents.

About two months ago, I started to query my latest manuscript--a YA gothic. Even though I had a great request rate, I didn’t have faith I’d connect with an agent. Why should this time be any different? The market’s tough. Agents’ slush piles are massive. For the first time my confidence nose-dived at a live pitch. I had to force myself to send out even a few more queries. When I didn’t make it into the final round of the GUTGAA agent contest, I almost gave up. But I entered the Hook, Line and Sinker contest anyway. And I made it into the final round.

No sooner did the final round go live than I got a request for the first 50 pages and a synopsis from a new agent. I sent them out. A few hours later, the agent requested a full. About 24 hours later, I received an email with an offer of representation and an invitation to chat on the phone.

I’d heard stories about agents staying up all night to read a manuscript and falling in love. But I never dreamed it would happen to me.  Best of all, when I spoke to the agent on the phone, I quickly realized the connection wasn’t one-sided. She was everything I’d wanted in an agent and was backed by a fantastic agency.  I’m so glad I kept pushing my writing to the next level-and never gave up the search.
I am thrilled to announce that I have signed with the amazing Pooja Menon of Kimberly Cameron & Associates.

(This is a photo take from the shop's front stoop the other day. A double rainbow. Could it get any better?)

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