My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulpatesbed goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Shreeky.
amelles_16 gives you 6 light blue coconut-flavoured gumdrops.
divinepurgatory gives you 11 light yellow cinnamon-flavoured jelly beans.
drea_drea gives you 6 light green grape-flavoured gummy worms.
flaxen_curls tricks you! You get an eraser.
gisforbeans tricks you! You lose 16 pieces of candy!
sexycrazian tricks you! You lose 4 pieces of candy!
thrasymachus gives you 1 orange cola-flavoured jelly beans.
xcarex tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!patesbed ends up with 3 pieces of candy, and an eraser.Another fun meme brought to you by