La settimana bianca è finita.

Mar 06, 2013 22:45

Yes, skiing week has ended, but that's not the only thing that went down the drain. A bit after a year our (rightist, full of bigots) government fell. If our politics finally manages to find some sense, we're not going to new early elections, but we might get a new (left-centre), maybe more normal governmental coalition. Well, it makes for some rather busy days for me. That, combined with brain functioning at some 75% (or less) power left my LiveJournal empty again. Oh, well...

So, back to this year's skiing. We didn't go to France as for the past few years. You can blame late decisions, lack of time, lack of money or some other mishaps. Ricky saved our arses this season. Iggy, Bert, Ricky and me escaped to his parents' house in Alpi Marittime, in Piemonte region of Italy. We were skiing in a smaller resort that spans in-between Prato Nevoso, Artesina and Frabosa Soprana. Fantastic snow and moody weather. Clouds, sun, fog, sun, snow, sun, clouds. We didn't stay the whole week; on the sixth day we decided to go to Genova (about a 90 minutes drive) and spend some days there. Snow followed us there as well and also Slovenia got a thick white layer so we stayed a day longer and then returned to Ljubljana... to a cold, dark, drizzly weather. Ok, Spring, now it's your turn.

I am giving you a few pictures here, the rest is flickr'd.

And now I have to see how many of 25 million posts I can browse through...

Boys above the valley.

Amazing nature. Snowflake zoomed in.

Good days.

Yes, yes, yes!!!

Sharp line of smog.

Time to go.

Ricky in front of us; time T.

Ricky in front of us; time T+90 minutes.

Almost all the way back to Ljubljana, where shitty weather insisted.


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