Well, I saw mushroom head, I was born, I was dead

Apr 29, 2007 21:05

I love life. College is gonna rule, I'm getting a joint major in Biology and Chemistry, rooming with Ross, and hopefully kicking assssssssss.

Catherin and I are staying together for college, and she's only like an hour away at AIB, so that's all gewd. Yay visits!

Hank had loved cars since he was a tiny little boy playing with his Matchbox hot rod. He would set up jumps and tricks for it to do, all on the wooden floor of his hallway back home. It was so much better driving a real one, his 1970 Dodge Charger, white with green racing stripes. It was his baby, the only thing that had meaning in his otherwise chaotic life. Being a sound technician for a seedy concert venue led him into a lot of brawls and a lot of booze, but he always fell right behind the wheel of his darlin'. It seemed right that they died together, a burning heap of twisted metal on the side of the freeway. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Hank had seen that 18 wheeler a second earlier. I hope sometimes that I could turn back time and make it true. But, as they say, hope is for fuckers and losers, in that order.

I can't wait till prom and then graduation and then summer. They are all going to kick ass, much like me in college starting September. Bam!
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