"Japanese "Avengers" Trailer Showcases Hawkeye, Helicarrier" Okay, they can call the movie "Fuzzy Bunny-Boo-Boo and The Search For The Singing Cupcake" for all I care. It rocks TOO DAMN MUCH to get pissed off over a title change.
ITEM! Why the hell is John Carter getting such a hard time? Yes, the trailer campaign wasn't exactly stellar, and YES, the movie may have cost $250 million to make, but all the nay-sayers seem to have in their arsenal is crap about copying Avatar and Star Wars. As far as I'm concerned, this film can count me as an unreserved supporter - roll on "Gods of Mars"!
ITEM! Oh, so
the "Archbishop of Canterbury" is quitting, is he? What, is he disappointed that the public no longer worship the ground he, and others like him, walk on? Guess he must be getting out while the getting's good - the top candidate to replace him doesn't exactly sound thrilled by the idea of taking over!
ITEM! And finally... You could laugh so much, you'd SHIT - thousands have fallen for the "Anonymous operating system", which is apparently packed with malware. I feel my sides splitting...