Jun 03, 2011 20:59
Take a note of this date, boys and girls, 'cause this is the start and end of our summer in these parts. Already, the sheets of cloud are rolling in, and our temperatures are set to halve, compared to the rest of the country...
Guess I may as well take my shot at Task 102, then. A nice way to start a truly crazy Saturday - more Move business first, then X-Men First Class, and finally the mid-season finale for Doctor Who, in which all kindsa wacky sh8 is gonna kick off, for certain!
Meanwhile... A quick reviewlet of the new Seasick Steve album "You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks": Well, it's another collection of typically quirky servings of The Dog Hisself, with some of the good-time stompers you've come to know and love - the title track, "Back In The Doghouse" and the cheeky little "Whiskey Ballad", but there are a few more introspective tracks like "Days Gone", "Party" and cautionary tale "What A Way To Go" that bring the mood down a little too much in this listener's mind. It's not as immediate as previous albums "I Started Out With Nothing..." or "Man From Another Time", but you will find tracks to love.
Oh, and it has another story at the end, as a separate "bonus track", which works better than tacking it to the end of the last song. Score - 7.5/10
Meanwhile meanwhile... This just in: I just managed to nonchanlantly "clear the runway" for tonight. Thank you, toasty weather!
the move,
doctor who,
task 102,
seasick steve,
blockbusters 2011