In Today's Episode... "The Ragged Edge" concludes - has Rhagaan's wild gamble paid off? What will The Third Iteration do - help... or hinder? Can the Tai-reh'tarans be freed? Can the people of Yituron be warned in time...?
Release Notes... To be continued in the next "episode" TD607 - The Endless Dance of Light and Shadow, Part IV - The Infernal Waltz - coming soon!
Development News... Substitute "web development" for writing today... (see below)
i-Resist 2010 News... All right, here goes -
the i-Resist website is now live! Went to the local newpaper offices yesterday, and spoke with the reporter putting together the article coming this weekend. Once again, my netbook was worth its weight in gold, and I left having passed on information and opinions that I hope will be of value. And so, the battle really begins - I have my flag-pole...
Mission 101 News... Remember my charity shop related Tasks?68 - Forgive charity shops... (completed 16-01-2010)
69 - ...and visit them regularly for useful materials and items
Well, Task 69 just yielded promising fruit...
The bottom belt has a long elastic section - very handy...