Longshot but....

Sep 15, 2015 16:25

This is a longshot but maybe someone can help me out. I'm looking for a fic from years ago (I think around 2009). I can't for the life of me remember the title or many details but here's a shot in the dark:
  • It was a Ryan/Brendon and Jon/Spencer pairings but might also have had a touch of GSF (maybe also other bands, not sure); everyone was in their twenties I think
  • It was heavily focused around drugs and alcohol (I distincly remember cocaine, but there was likely others) and I think at one point they had drug dealers or the mafia after them and Ryan was a user.
  • It was some sort of AU that I think took place in Las Vegas and I think Brendon and Ryan lived in a house together but not certain
  • Some characters were murdered or OD'ed
  • This was by no means a happy fic, it was very dramatic and suspenseful with all sorts of dark and angsty and bad things happening
  • It was a really long fic with like 40 parts to it or something
  • It was by a really good author and it was well written
Sorry these details are all so vague, this was one of the first fics I ever read on slashatthedisco and I thought it would be nice to revisit it! It could even be deleted by now, who knows. Thanks to anyone who can help!

genre: angst, search: fic (specific), alcohol, pairing: ryan/brendon, dark!fic, tearjerker, epic/long fics, pairing: jon/spencer, drugs

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