Nov 08, 2012 02:37
Hi! :D Me again! (I've really gotta sort out my tagging system!)
I was randomly internet searching the other day, when I stumbled upon the Golden Compass shitty movie version's Wikipedia page. That got me thinking about a fic where FOB, P!ATD (& maybe MCR) had these.... spirit animals/daemons/particulars.
FOB: Patrick's daemon was red panda that curled up on his mic stand to be away from Pete's Capuchin monkey (uh duh!) Andy had a Woodpecker that pecked his shattered drumsticks & I can't remember Joe's, maybe an Alsatian or some other big dog?
P!ATD: Ryan's daemon was a chinchilla that was terrified of Brendon's Spaniel! Spencer had a black panther (she was THE sassqueen!) and Jon had a Golden Retriever.
MCR had bats and squirrels and racoons and other MCweiRd things!
I think these bands were on tour together and I remember one scene where the fans at the front were calling out to Jon's daemon and someone had commented saying something like, "That's just wrong. Don't they realise that's not what you do. That's a total invasion of the band's privacy?!" and the author had said, "It just shows how broken down the barriers are and how nothing is sacred." (or something........)
Anyway that one's pretty awesome and pretty unique!
Spencer worked in a little coffe shop.
He saw all these people coming in who didn't seem to realise that their soulmate was only a few feet away!
He introduced his coworker Ryan to customer Brendon, Pete to Patrick, (maybe Gabe to William?), Gerard to Frank, and sorted out a couple of the MCR not-wives. Spencer saw Greta, Bob and another of THS together a lot, but they always seemed sad, until he said something about polygamy. They left with a huge smile on their faces and their arms around each others waists. ♥
Spencer does all this matchmaking and yet he doesn't realise that Jon, his coworker, has a HUGE CRUSH ON HIM!!!! N'aaaawwww!!! And so he's all confused and stuff, until he realises he kinda likes J too!!!!!!! :D ♥♥♥ N'aaaawwww!!! N'aaaawwww!!! So everything ends all cutesy! ♥
Jeez this is a big post!
I hope you guys have heard of them. They're lovely (and facemeltingly unf).
Thank you in advance,
-Faye xo
character: patrick stump,
character: mikey way,
character: frank iero,
character: pete wentz,
based on a movie,
character: gerard way,
based on a book,
band: mcr,
job: barista!fic,
setting: coffee shop,
setting: mall,
band: fob,
character: greta salpeter,
pairing: ryan/brendon,
pairing: jon/spencer