Aug 07, 2012 18:52
Heeeeey, I have two little requests (:
1. I just finished The Hunger Games series, really enjoyed it. So are there any crossovers? I know I can't really be picky, I'll be happy with anything found, but Rydon is my favourite pairing :) Also, even if another band is the focus, if Panic! are in there, it'd be nice. Thank you in advance for anything found (if anything exists).
2. Does anyone know where I can download 'Heaven Help Us'? I read about it on another post. In it, Ryan killed himself and is an angel sent to help Brendon, Jon and Spencer. At the end, when he's helped them, he leaves and gets Brendon, Jon and Spencer to meet up and they all become friends. When he's left, they all research him and find out he had a pretty awful life.
And yeah, the none of the links given worked and I'm pretty sure the account was deleted. So if someone knows where I can download it, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you in advance! (:
based on a book,
supernatural: angels/demons,
genre: supernatural/paranormal,
pairing: ryan/brendon,
search: fic (deleted)