(no subject)

Nov 17, 2009 06:30

I'm looking for a vampire story. It was really long and had many little sequels and s/a for it.
It went Gabe was supposedly this evil vampire they caught and kept prisoner in this castle thing and then William got trapped in his cell and they became close and whatnot. And Brendon and Ryan came in somehow...I think they were together but one of them (Brendon I think)was already a vampire and Ryan wanted him to turn him but he didn't. And then Pete used to be really mean and had like friends with benefits with Mikey Way and held Patrick prisoner and then they fell in love and run this joint now. And Mikey stays there a lot and William has friends with benefits with him and it's a huge love triangle.
In the end Mikey gets killed by the members for Paramore and then comes back to life.

Does anyone know of which story I speak...er type of?

character: patrick stump, band: tai, band: fob, character: pete wentz, character: william beckett, pairing: ryan/brendon, character: gabe saporta, pairing: jon/spencer, band: cs, supernatural: vampires

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