1. 1. Ryan and Brendon are part of an english assignment where they have to email someone in their class (they don't know who it is) and get to know them. Ryan really doesn't want to do it at first, but then they fall in love and they meet and Brendon was abused so he's living at Ryan's house. Ryan's mom is sick. Their internet nicknames were Grr and B. Ring any bells?
2. 2. Brendon goes to the doctor and Ryan is his doctor, and he keeps imagining Ryan saying really inappropriate things. It might be the other way around, but I read it a long, long time ago. Sorry, it's vague.
3. 3. Another vague one: Ryan loses his memory, and lives in a house on a lot of land. (I think he may have a lake) and he paints these pictures of the same boy all the time and has faint memories of his face (Brendon) and one day Brendon knocks on his door and Hobo runs up and I’m pretty sure that he says ‘Hey, Hobo’ and pets her, and Ryan is asking how he knows his dog and all this stuff. It was a one-shot. It was really amazing, but I didn’t save the link. L
4. 4. Is there anything based off ‘No Reservations’ or possibly ‘Music and Lyrics’
5. 5. I read one that was posted at ‘SlashattheDisco’ and it was called ‘The Proposal’ based off the proposal, I’m pretty sure it only got to like part 4-ish. Ryan was Ryan Reynolds, Jon was the guy he spilled his coffee on and Brendon was Sandra Bullock.
6. 6. Does anyone have the interview where Panic mentions fanfiction? I believe Brendon (maybe) says ‘Kids like to imagine us fucking.’ Or something of the sort. I’m not sure if it’s a video, or an article, either way I want it. Please. :D
7. 7. Okay, so I’ve read two paranormal fics. One was called ‘Southern Discomfort’ (
http://allmusicfan.livejournal.com/4939.html) and I’ve read ‘Paranormal State’ (
http://imso-starving.livejournal.com/14787.html) neither of which are finished, and probably never will be (So depressing). So, I was wondering if there were any really, really well written paranormal Rydon’s(preferably) that are finished, or are active and will most likely be finished.
8. 8. Are there any really, really epic fics out there? Like
randomepiphany’s Phylogeny series (
http://www.randomepiphany.com/fic.php#fic-phylogeny) , or
madd4the24’s ‘Extentuating Circumstances’ (
http://community.livejournal.com/slashatthedisco/5954741.html#cutid1) Series?
Okay, I swear that’s it for now, I won’t let myself request anything else for a long time…hopefully