(no subject)

Oct 31, 2009 16:37

Okay, so I am so new to this world of livejournal, but I've been lurking in here for awhile. Longer than awhile, actually. So I would enjoy your assistence in finding me these fics.

Okay, so the first one was something along the lines of Spencer's cousin wanting to set him up with different people so he ends up taking Brendon to a barbeque or something and pretending that they are boyfriends.

The second one isn't so much of me looking for a certain fic, but i'm just wondering.. and I don't even know if it counts as a slash. But are there and Hayley/Brendon fics out there. Maybe even Spencer I can take. But I don't want Spencer's Haley, I hope you've noticed. Just.. Paramore Hayley.

Please & thank you's. (:

pairing: brendon/spencer, het, band: paramore

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