May 02, 2012 15:48
Spencer finds out Brendon was in love with him for like 4 years and everyone knew it except for him. (Pete says he had the same problem with Patrick but it went away once he met Ashlee or something.) Then Spencer freaks out and keeps imaging ways he could have found out and eventually imagines ways they could have gotten together.
Then it gets fuzzy, I think Spencer admits he's in love with Brendon but Brendon is with Sarah(?) and they end up like making out in Jon or Ryan's back yard or something. And Brendon might have like shyly explained that the crush he used to have on Spencer never actually went away.
I don't know, but I didn't realize I loved the story until weeks later and I couldn't find it again. I think I saw it on delicious but I can't even remember what I typed for tags (probably Brendon/Spencer though, because I'm not that creative) and I don't remember who wrote it either.
If anyone knows what story I'm thinking of I'd love the link. Thanks a bunch. :)