Hey guys i just wanted to share this very short video of brendon doing this one thing in front my camera
i know its short but there was more to the video that i didnt include
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Alright so honestly out of the couple of times ive met them, this had to be the best.
Brendon was unbelievable sweet. Right before the concert i got in a little fight with my dad and i was uberly upset by the time they had come out. First off brendon came over to me since i was last in line (spencer was on the opposite side) and put out his hand so i could shake which i did but i cried right afterwards (not cause im a fangirl because of the fight) and i told him i had just gotten to a fight with my dad and he said he was sorry, and said something like "aww, that sucks, im sorry to hear that, parents just dont understand"
then he took out a guitar pick from his pocket and signed it to make me feel better, which did, it was so unbelieveable that a guy like him could just be so nice he also put a heart by his signature on this thing i asked him to sign :) (sorry for acting fan girl - ish).
Thats why at the end of this video he says "listen dad"
If you cant understand what he says this is it:
Brendon: Whats up MTV! Drew and derrick show. Yeah i saw the red light and i couldnt resist
Me: No thats okay
Brendon comes back and says..
Brendon: Listen dad!
Then sticks his tounge out and walks away
The concert was amazing too, i sat far back so i really have no pictures to show, sorry. but they played a great set and brendon sung a little blink 182 while on stage. like i said, just amazing.
So i mainly wanted you guys to see the vid :P
there was more to it like spencer and brendon clapping && singing randomly idk what it was to be honest
sorry for making you guys read it :P
just wanted to write my story like many of you guys lol.
oh yea and let me say thanks to zack who 1. let me go in the meet and greet still even though i was a bit later and 2. was also very nice when he saw i was upset, thanksss zack.