Last night was, as Spencer put it, the “first US show in 9 months!” for Panic!, and if you hadn’t known that, you never would have been able to tell. They played a fantastic set, really tight, and Ian and Dallon were great. Well, Ian was great (and he sang! A lot!), I couldn’t really see Dallon very well because I was on the other side of the stage, but it looked like he was enjoying himself!
The set they played was a lot more old-school, “Fever”-sounding then they’ve been playing since P.O. came out. Throw in some flowers and eyeliner, and you’d probably think you were watching another Nothing Rhymes With Circus show, only more mature sounding.
Before the show, there was a Northern Downpour Meet & Greet, which Zack posted about to tell us was going to be something different… and it was! Instead of the table and awkward photos and big crowds of girls crowding into one small room, a small group of us went into a big tent and the guys came in and just hung out with us for a bit, chatting and signing/taking photos, but without the lines and tables. A lot of fun!
Panic! played… seven songs, maybe? Not nearly a long enough set, anyways.
(At one point in the set, Brendon caught my eye and grinned and pointed at me, which was really hilarious. I guess he remembered me from the M&G? Pretty cool!)
I love the direction they’re going with the music, bringing it back to how it originally sounded, and I love how awesome “New Perspective” sounds live with the full band, not just acoustic!
So thank you Zack again for a great M&G, and thank you to Brendon, Spencer, Ian, and Dallon for putting on such an amazing show! Can’t wait for next week!
I took a lot of pics, but most didn’t come out. Here are a few, though:
And that’s my recap, I guess. The rest of the recap, with FOB and Blink, is up in my journal, but it’s only going to be public for a few days.
Oh, merch: Panic! has three shirts up, all with the ! in them… they’re all $30 each. One is just plain white and says “I ! P!ATD”, one is black with red and yellow patterns on it, and one is more old-school looking, pink with some weird design on it. I didn’t get pics, though, sorry!