So Brandy's ex (who is still very close with him) offered to give Carter and Brandy another child, and so eventually she got pregnant and three and a half days ago she went into labor and ended up giving birth to a beautiful little girl eight hours later. Little Lydia Terri Grayson-Leordo is GORGEOUS, I tell you, and I'm so happy for them. Ashley is thrilled to have her little "sister" and Spencer, Mj and Nathan are all excited about the new addition. I can just tell that Mj is going to be VERY protective of his sister when she gets older. Nathan may very well be, too.
Watching Carter and Brandy with their new little girl has really made me think about things with Jude. I noted how happy he was when he was taking his turn with the new baby and it's confirmed my beliefs that he wants one of his own, but I'm not sure if it'd be in any way practical for the both of us if we were expecting another baby. Jude works all week, sometimes even the weekends if he's working particularly hard, and although I'm home during the day, I've then got to work most nights until a stupid hour of the morning. I can just imagine that if we had a baby to think about, I'd be spending the whole day with him/her, and then Jude would be the one dealing with the nights because I'd be out working. We'd both be exhausted within a few days. When I work, I need most of one day to recover and sleep, so if there was a baby to look after, I wouldn't get any of that and I'd wear myself out after a couple of days. Plus, if Jude wants a kid, I'd want the kid to be strongly attached to him, but if I'm the one who looks after the kid all day, the kid is gonna get strongly attached to ME. There's a lot to think about and we have a lot of things to work around if we do decide to go through with it. Sarah has actually said that she'd be willing to carry mine or Jude's child if that's what we wanted, since she's practically a member of our family now, and wants to do more for us. Plus, she'd be having more children for herself, and she said that there is nothing she loves more than seeing how happy Brandy and Carter get when she gives them a child.'s all very complicated. =/