Writer's Block: Seven

Feb 05, 2009 22:40

Hmm, that's a tough one actually. I guess I'm likely to commit all of them really XD
Sloth - I'm REALLY lazy, so yeah...
Greed - Perhaps not so much, I don't like greedy people that much so I try not to be greedy myself.
Lust - Well I think I am the epitome of lust sometimes.
Gluttony - I have one huge appetite, for sure, but I dunno..
WRATH (not anger) - I can be quite wrathful if you get on my bad side. People look at me and think I don't get angry, but they're wrong. I can get VERY angry.
Envy - I can be envious. Very envious.
Pride - This one maybe not, because although I do have my pride I don't let it take over the way I see things or whatever.

writer's block

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