Aug 27, 2010 01:23
SO VERY DRUNK RIGHT NOW. I was supposed to be on a sort-of-date with the girl I have a thing for. But she canceled because she’s got work in the morning. But I went along anyway because they guys playing are my friends anyway. I spent aggges feeling like a 7th wheel (technically I was the 11th wheel but the guys were mostly ignoring their girlfriends) AND THEN I MET SOMEONE TOTALLY AWESOME, SERIOUSLY SO FUCKING AWESOME TO MEET PEOPLE LIKE THAT. So it turned out all FUCKING AWESOME in the end. But now so very drunk I won’t remember any of this in the morning. WHO CARES? IT WAS FUCKING FUN. I DON’T DO FUN OFTEN ENOUGH
ALOS JUST THOUGHT OF THIS. The band were genuinely pleased to see me! I was honestly surprised/touched. People actually wanting me around is still a surprise *______*
the beautiful word,