So I saw this
Click to view
And then wrote this on my tumblr
I think this is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Not for one second do I forget how lucky I am to be British. We might not have gay/lesbian marriage but we do have nationally recognised civil partnerships, homophobia is considered a hate crime, it’s illegal to dismiss anyone simply for being LGBT. But sometimes I don’t know if this is a good thing. Homophobes and well meaning but ignorant straight people assume because we have almost equal rights that’s enough. But it’s still almost. When I meet Mrs Right I want to marry her, not “civil partner” her.
We might have a Tory lead government (traditionally right wing) and a Minister for Equality with one of the worst anti-gay records around, but they’re trying. People tend to see it as through crumbs to the queer community but it’s actively trying to make a difference. This might be the influence of the Liberal Democrats in the coalition but who cares?! New laws to tackle homophobia in schools are being brought in, religious buildings will be allowed to host civil partnerships, adoption and IVF treatment laws are being reviewed, pre-age of consent convictions are being abolished. No it’s not perfect. Yes it’s still a long way to go. But yes it’s a huge step forward.
On election night I cried when the Tories were leading, it felt like I was watching my civil rights vanish before my eyes. But now they’re here I can hardly believe what I’m hearing. Cameron (Tory Prime Minister) is making casual jokes about gay culture, about how the coalition is a civil partnership, he’s actively trying (regardless of whatever his personal views are) to make a positive difference to gay rights in the UK.
Back to the video and the whole starting point of this post. He’d amazing. To hear a guy of that age/background talking so honestly about civil rights is refreshing. America is pretty fucked up when it comes to gay rights at the moment, which, through friends and acquaintances is something I’m horribly aware of, makes me so so grateful to be living here. I’ll be honest, I don’t understand the US government system and I don’t particularly care as long as you keep out of our national affairs (reason I hated Bush #5624) however, you are enormously lucky to have a man like this in your government.
Also tl;dr I love what’s happening with gay rights in the UK right now.