Thank you
kelene for my virtual snowflake!
So we've bought a brand new family car. It's the first time I've ever had a new, new, car (all our others have been used). And this one I'll actually be able to drive! Once I pass my test that is. I've only had 14 lessons but my instructor Paul says I'm learning at a faster rate than most people. So I'll be able to take my test after about 20 lessons (although I'll probably do more because I still suck at anything to do with reversing).
The new car is a 5 door BMW 118i sport.
I'm really into E4's new show Misfits, so utterly in love this it. And I've sort of written faily not-fic about Kelly/Nathan/Simon. It's all in my notebook and I might type it up at some point. Although there's no where to really post it. I've also had a go at some Curtis/Alisha lineart stuff which has been fun. Nothing too good though. Does anyone else watch it? (Apart from
onneonlights who I text bullied into it.)