Jan 17, 2009 00:52


And then I am going to see The Enemy in April, guys I am so excited for this one, they are, such a fucking amazing band and I *still* cry when I listen to 'We'll Live and Die in These Towns' (the song, not just the album) Guh. I have the email address for the publicist at the venue and I need to email her at the weekend about getting a pass, but really I just want to fucking *be* there.

bandombigbang, I ugh have signed myself up as all three, writer, mixer, artist, and here's the amazing thing, I really really fucking believe I can do this. Which, it blows my mind because the only thing I've had this much faith in myself about is my photography and that's what I want to do, I want to be a photographer, I want to be able to introduce myself as 'I'm Patch, and I'm a photographer' :DDD You know things are bad when you dream about doing a shoot with a band rather than fangirling [YO spell check just suggested ‘fingering’ at me] at them. (Although how awesome would be a black and white shoot of panic as electric era Dylan? With Brendon sat at the huge black piano, and Ryan at the mic with his hair all in disarray, Spencer sprawled over the edge of the stage with his head back all in shadows and Jon with his bass under his fucking armpits with that smile that means he knows something you don't? Yeah, I'll just sidle away here *shuffle*)

But guys I HAVE NERDED IN THE EXTREME. I have a word chart, my target is 1,333 words a week and that will get me to 23,402 by the middle of April so A+++ (I already had 3,407 words when I started on Monday)

AND IN THE LAST TEN MINUTES. I've just hit and gone over this weeks target, and I'm being all ~*~*cryptic and shit but I don't care! WRITING GLEE XDDD I'VE MISSED THE WRITING GLEE

Although I am having a bit of guilt over my fanmixer (if I get one) because this fic is so music orientated that I'm playlisting as I go (it doesn't work without the lyrics) so I probably need to email the bigbang people about that, but I'll wait and see how far/fast I go.

MORE PHOTOGRAPHY NEWS Dudes I came second in my Camera Club's competition on Tuesday! I got a certificate of merit for it. I WAS SO PLEASED AND SO SO FUCKING SHOCKED. People I didn't really know were coming up to me and congratulating me! I am so outclasses by all these amazing people and this judge who'd come all the way from London thought I was just as good as some of them! *Flaily*

I still feel like I should be totally ashamed of myself when I like something I've done but I'm not. And it feels so good to say it and mean it.

I spent most of yesterday being amazingly ill and using up about two and a half boxes of tissues because I kept sneezing and everytime I sneezed my right eye watered like hell. But then I watched I'm not There and danced around my living room to Bob Dylan at three in the morning. I highly recommend it, I haven't sneezed all day, but I have had a ball of tissue stuck behind the lens on my glasses because my eye's still weird. XD

camera club, fic!, cyrptic, the adventures of crazypete, happymaking, flail, bandombigbang, music, photos

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