Dear American Football Players,
Grow some testicles, your sport is the most hilariously awful thing ever. This maybe because I'm a rugby fan and spent all day after the MotoGP watching Union games and the Rugby League highlights where broken bones and splattered noses are fairly common but I have nothing but lols for your tragic lack of talent.
Dear MotoGP,
I will fucking miss you in the off season. I can't wait to see Nicky Hayden on a Ducati.
Dear Valentino Rossi,
Don't stop being fucking awesome I want to see you make it ten championships in total
Dear My Phone,
Stop being a cunt
Dear Merlin fandom,
Sorry, I'm really not an internet bitch.
merlin_the_elf people,
I love the prompts I got and I'm really quite excited because I can actually *do this*
Dear Whoever got my
merlin_the_elf prompts,
Thanks in advance and sorry if they're making you draw a complete blank
Dear Formula One,
I hate that the season is almost over
Dear Lewis Hamilton,
Cock it up at Brazil
Dear Bernie Ecclestone and Max Mosley,
End your irritating days in a dank, dark hole sometime soon
Dear The Sims2,
Stop being so addictive D:
Dear Flist,
You fucking rock!