Okay, seriously Panic at the Disco are playing the Southampton Guildhall on the 7th of July. That's like less that 60 miles from here!!!! AND ME AND
onneonlights ARE GOING. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. She goes to college and was up early enough to book the tickets when they went on sale, so I owe her so big. (Until last night I hadn't slept since Wednesday morning).
Big American bands I like hardly ever play down here unless they're doing a major major tour. London is about the closet they come and even though it's only about 70 miles it's huge and there's no way I'd be able to go with all the anxiety and panic attacks. Smaller bands like Cobra are great, there's load of little/medium sized venues and incestuous music scenes around here, especially in Brighton. So I always feel kind of shity when people get to see a band they love because they live in or can go to a bigger city.
And Panic are like playing one show in the UK apart from the festivals and it's Southampton, that is the most insane wonderful this band has ever done. Seriously. OH my god. I am speechless.
Like none of you, except
onneonlights knows how big of a RTS game nerd I am. Seriously it's mad, but I love it. (For the non nerdy of you RTS is Real Time Strategy, that is empire building games etc) and the Age Of Empires series has always been my favourite, but I recently realised that I no longer had the disks for the second AoE game, which is my all time favourite, so I was in Game yesterday talking to this guy for like two and a half hours, something like that, about the AoE games and we were being such nerds but he didn't think that AoE I or II would play on a windows Vista system (which would suck so hard and the Age of Mythology doesn't play on a Vista system) anyway, I bought the gold edition of AoE II and said I'd try out the first game and see if that loaded, because if it did then the second one would definitely work because it's newer etc etc.
AND IT WORKS. I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY ABOUT THAT YOU HAVE NO IDEA. IT'S LIKE REVISTING MY CHILDHOOD, BUT MORE FUN. And I know like none of you care about my slightly retro-game nerdish ness but to hell with you, I am happppy XD
Grace Under Pressure-Elbow So yes go listen to that as well!