So ummm I wrote a weird dark little Spencer/Ryan drabble. Be disturbed.
Spencer remembers the two of them, pressed too close to each other, small frightened voices seeking assurance. It was like that for so long, too long. Ryan so small, thin and delicate, but he was still the stronger of the two. He was always the one that held them together, always. Spencer remembers days being utterly terrified of everything, and then dark nights Ryan curled around him whispering about a way out. How he could get them both out. How he could make it stop hurting, how he could get Spencer away from all of it.
He did, Ryan found then their way out, took Brendon with them and made it big. Found a way to stop Spencer being so scared. Ryan stayed with him. And Spencer will never stop finding that amazing, that Ryan, Ryan stayed. And Ryan loved him, kept loving him. Even though the need for comfort, need for kind contact disappeared, Ryan stayed and he still loved Spencer.