[Naturally, filtered to any kids attending Mr. Stein's Science class]
Hello Children! Today, we'll be...Dissecting...
*Turns around in his swivel chair, grinning*
. . . *he pauses for reactions*
Unfortunately, all the school board could come up with was frogs. So, we'll be dissecting them, instead. We'll be splitting up into groups of three
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You wanted to see me?
...Shibusen. Mean anything to you?
Uh, yeah? It's our real school. and a lot cooler than this one
This town...it's odd, isn't it? There's many forces at work here, an inbalance. And yet there are also those who are blissfully oblivious of it.
...Not to mention, as I'm sure you've already noticed, both Medusa and the Kishin are here. How many others are here, that you know are trustworthy?
Maka and Chrona are here too, and Justin recently arrived..... and I'm sure you've already run into a certain teacher.
Justin's our kid, too. This town's sense of humor is terrible.
Chrona's here? Is she aware that Medusa is here, now?
That child can yet be saved...
Oh, right. I'm not sure, but I told Maka to keep an eye on her since they live together.
Medusa was dead, though. How is she even here?
Perhaps this whole town is nothing but what we see, once insanity has taken hold of us...
Or perhaps I'm overthinking things. I just arrived here in time for an event where townsfolk were told to kill each other. And yet after death, the townsfolk are just fine.
Who knows, maybe we've all gone to hell. *chuckle*
*chuckle* Define crazy, Soul-kun.
I was hoping that perhaps the Kishin's presence here had meant that somehow he had been contained or defeated after release.
So...if I'm still around later, but I'm here, then...does Mayfield have no effect on our home worlds? Interesting...
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