It's Been A While

Mar 27, 2007 22:30

Another bout of the cold/flu thing hit me again. Didn't turn the PC on for 2 weeks. Thats how DH knew I really was poorly!
Been catching up with everyone's journals - hugs & good thoughts to those that need then. Caffcaff I hope you get some sleep.
This job is no longer the alright that it was. I am totally alone now doing the job that was done by 3 Spanish peeps as well as my own. I chair a weekly teleconference with Spain, have total responsibility for managing a spreadsheet that it the be all & end all of the work done. This is not the standard clerical work at £7.50 an hour I was taken on to do. I have had a couple of days when I've burst into tears & told them I can't do it. I know it is because I don't feel I know enough about the tasks they want me to do. They are all very nice & concerned but at last weeks meeting my new boss asked if we would be having the weekly telemeet while I was away for 3 weeks, an anonymous voice asked who else could do the job. Reply was "no-one". "We'll talk about it later". People may be talking but they ain't talking to me! Yet they are terrified that I am going to leave. The agency tell me say they can get me more money but all the money in the world is not going to put the missing knowledge in my head. So I ma getting more & more p****ed off with it. All I wanted was a little clerical job but I feel like I'm back on the treadmill to stress & depression again. My hours are getting longer & lunches shorter. I was off work for months some years ago with stress & I am feeling the symptoms all over again.
Things are coming to a head slowly but I go away for 3 weeks on Sunday!
Talking of which - I am now looking forward to the trip to Thailand with DH, DS, his intended & her parents. having the wedding dress, suits & rings made there. I've never been anywhere that required me to have jabs before - can't say I was impressed. Everyone says it is great but watch out for the red ants that bite. Oh great - if ir bites or stings, it always heads straight for me!
The other thing is the luggage allowance - 20kgs! I think my shoes weigh more than that alone! So I am having to be very careful & will be making full use of hotel laundry facilities.
DS & GF now have their own house & spend evry weekend ther doing it up. DS said today that the guy they bought it from still has a key as he is supposed to be replacing a door. Told him to get the locks changed before we go! Never heard of such a thing. DS is so proud of his house & has truned into quite the DIY'er. It just worries me that they are both so much further away from work as I worry about them driving. But they will eventually look for something closer to home.
DH has a couple of job interviews this week. H has been temping as an HGV driver since Nov but he really doesn't like being unemployed. One of the jobs is to drive a road sweeper for £26k!! Gis a job!

stress, jobs, thailand, holiday

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