This news is good news, though it may not sit well with some of you. Nevertheless, don't jump to conclusions and things should be fine
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I wish not to impose, but, it seems as if when the greatest of that which is between two people is found, and they didnt search for it, but it found them, then their journey must begin. It is true that though rushing into something is quite frankly risky, when it appears as is and as it has come, than what else is there to see? People may run and cower in fear and wish, even hope that it may find them the same way, however, it is essentially up to the heart of the individual, independently free from even the one he/she has begun to fallen in love with. Simply, the complete and raw power of the heart and soul which is as some may linger to say "love" should not be underestimated by a thought or mere suggestion. Love, it seems, had not been asked, or even sought after, it just was. There are those who are fortunate, and those who are not, its simple. Granted coming out of a standing relationship with another and then entering into another relationship is probably what may be misunderstood or even construed as "insult to injury", but as the storms do pass over so does love when you try to hold on to it and manipulate it for ones own self. Love is not selfish, it can not be maintained by gifts that are superificial and monetary. A relationship is that, all that can be, and all it should be and all that is found in someone else. Love will stay as long as it has found two people and leave its essence forever over their hearts for each other. There is no greater love to be seen or had until it ahs found you. One must look past all that is and have faith, great faith, that the leap and jump they are about to take is one well worth it. The final thought is this....Should one deny that which is and move on to something else is completely absurd witohut investigating all there is to it. Love very rarely is found when it is sought after, and even then when it is, it is attempted to be maintained deliberately, and the one thing it is not is deliberate. The whole idea is that when love comes, you experience it for all that it is. Love does not hold boundries, it is not limited, and it does as it pleases. I just hope, possibly know, that this adventure and journey never forks in the road and never ends. What I do know is I will not hold what isnt mind, but love has given me a gift, slowly being unwrapped, and slowly showing it self for what it is, and all I am to say is thank you. On a journey and a path to find and discover, may we search it out together in the beginning and always.....Til Next time...Take care of yourself and each other!!!
You sound cool. I like you. Koj, you can keep him. ^_^
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