May 03, 2011 15:40
[Today, the good doctor is leaning on a counter completely outside of his usual laboratory. The lights are on! They're not creepily flickering, either!! It's like he's in a legit clinic.
His office is small, and the counter he's leaning on doubles as a desk. It's got things littering it, like paperwork, tongue depressor containers, cotton balls in oddly large glass jars, that sort of thing. In the middle is an examination table, complete with that weird crinkly paper.
and he's got a cigarette in his hand, smoldering away. Because he's classy. Oh, and because there aren't any patients and the door's wide open.]
I've decided to take on a job in the medical clinic in the Middle District. My office is just down the left hallway when you walk in. If anyone needs medical assistance, I'll be here in the clinic most of the day, from about 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. Any other time, you'll have to call me. I can treat patients either in my lab, here in the clinic or wherever they happen to be, depending on the severity of the wound.
In other news, if anyone is interested in practicing with me, I'll be in the park from 7 in the morning until I come here.
Oh. Does anyone know where to find metalworking supplies, or scrap metal?
[locked to BLACK*STAR, SOUL EATER EVANS, MAKA ALBARN; just plain ol difficult]
From what I can tell, Death the Kid has gone home. I can't feel his soul in the city anymore.
[locked to LEA; difficult]
You're welcome to join me in the mornings. It would be good practice between lessons.
should you really be doing that,
stop smoking in the doctor's office,
innocent as hell,
brought to you by lots of nicotine,
he actually is a doctor remember?