NaNoWriMo, Right? So Why Am I Posting HERE?

Nov 01, 2009 03:02

...ah yes, I'd forgotten this glorious feeling from college. The knowledge that a deadline is once again creeping up, and I am staring at a blank page, knowing what I should be putting after that little blinking icon. *pauses to toss a snuggly Chi off of lap* NaNoWriMo is barely three hours old, I have over six hundred words and I've run dry for the moment. WHEE!

*tosses a Grixis, and then a Chi* Winter means a plethora of snuggly cats, which makes it very difficult to write on a laptop. *peering over a Laurie* I need to get them their own electric blankets. *snerk* Ah well, I have a glorious influx of Glamour, plenty of RP to keep my mind fresh, and this is beginning day 5 of 'No Smoking.' Yes, that's right. I'm... quitting. *sobs!* Oh well. ^_^ It's an expensive habit I can do without, and I managed an entire shift at work- on Halloween, with almost no customers and everything already freakin' done- without having a single sweet Marlboro. *eye-twitch* Neko's proud of me, and mah Wuffie is cheering me on. As are half of the players on NWN, who are threatening to withdraw RP if they find out I cracked and dove for a pack of smokes. Amazing what the proper motivation can do, no? ^_^ I get a 360 for my birthday if I keep this up, and since Dante's Inferno is coming out in February... Yeah, I have good motivation for not smoking. *deeeeeeeeeeeep breath* I can do this.
*eyeing stack of plot index cards for 'Black Crayons'* Ah yes, if I can make it through two index cards a day- one at the least- then I think I can keep up with what's required for NaNoWriMo. Okay, that's a definite goal: one index card per day. *nod* That'll add up to the required 4 or so pages. ^_^ Fit that in around housewife duties- gah, I've been SO lazy this week- proper attention to Neko and roleplaying? I can do it. I'm an English Major for Life!

Yes, this is utterly random. ^_^ That happens when I'm focusing off of the nicotine jitters, wishing Neko wasn't working so I could snuggle him and playing with the glorious GuruNino on the server. ...dude, seriously. I can COMPLETELY understand why Neko has been so fixated on this server for so many years. It rocks. The DMs will screw with your characters as much as you allow- Knightstar was positively thrilled when I gave her open license to screw with Elena- and the other players are considerate, polite and able to post more than three words. *grins* The characters are awesome, the plot is large and sweeping, and the Sabbat freakin' rules. (Okay, the overpowered mages are a pain, but they've made for some hilarious plot development.) I like this place. I like it a LOT.
Helps that Neko plays on it, and he and I have fun getting Arbalest and Elena angry at each other. *snerk* This place has REALLY brought more out of Elena than I ever thought possible. It's fascinating to see what happens to her when she's in an environment I don't largely- or utterly- control. She's... a real person now. It's scary. (And I need to grind to get her some more levels. She's so freakin' delicate right now, it's not even funny. And considering the power level Elena is supposed to have? Pah!) Paragraph-sized posts don't scare these people. Beautiful. ^_^

So, I'm starting to get very tired, Neko's taking a body down to the morgue and trying to record any EVPs on the Razr, Nino's going to have to log off soon, and it's three in the morning. *grin* About time to wrap things up, I think. More for NaNoWriMo tomorrow!

neverwinter nights, no smoking, nanowrimo

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