Tainted Day

Oct 13, 2008 11:35

Don't you hate days that are tainted by nightmares? *shaking head*

My dreams have been very, very vivid and very dark of late, and it's mildly puzzling, considering there's nothing in my current life that could account for it. (Like the haunted house dreams I used to have while playing Fatal Frame for hours on end. Those make sense.) The worst part is that the alarm wakes me up in the middle of them, and with most people awakened abruptly during a dream, I can only remember snippets of it, and the plot is utterly lost to me. *huff* I remember trying to protect two small, young furry things- guinea pigs or kittens, I'm not sure which- and trying to find a heavy denim jacket to help guard against whatever was hunting the group I was with.
Odd thing is, this is the fourth night in a row I've been having these nightmares, and I can't figure out what's up with them. *blinkblink* See, I rarely have nightmares. I have two recurring nightmares that have been present throughout my entire life- I've even developed an entire White Wolf adventure off of one- and those I expect. Beyond those, if I have one nightmare in a month, it's a shock. Having this many, back to back, is really weird. *shaking head* Especially when they're the sort of dreams that leave you with a headache all day. *bleh*

Of course, it's Monday and that doesn't help with the 'bleh, I wanna go home' syndrome. Luckily, Neko's been running his Rokugan game for the last couple of nights, and although the midget and I have different gaming styles, it's proving interesting. *pets my poor Crane* Isakomi is not having the best of luck, but it's always nice to RP for a while. Especially considering the last Rokugan game we played kind of sucked. It ran for quite a while, but my ex is a dick DM, and there were a lot of lost players and complaints about the game. Neko let me play my beloved Soshi Kyako- a Scorpion shugenja of freakin' doom- while we were in the Imperial Court. (She's WAY too powerful to play elsewhere, apparently. *huff* She's only a level 16, although we worked out all of the XP I was supposed to have earned during the old game, and she's actually a level 19. *grin!*) If nothing else, it's fun to listen to the midget and Neko snark at each other, fling bottlecaps and torment the cats.
Well, work's almost done (YAY!!!) and with any luck, I'll go home to a quiet house, wake up to a Neko who's been paid and we'll be able to snag some groceries. *facepalm* Damn, after I pay the electric bill. I almost forgot that. *snerk* Oh well. I remembered it before I got home. This is a bonus. Cheers and fond breezes follow everyone!

alive, thoughts, nightmares

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