Aug 06, 2007 05:02
At work, all is quiet.
Mind drifts between clarity and illusion, illumination spills forth from shadows....Since last monday not more than 3 hours sleep a night, with none in the past 3-4 days....i was told stop trying, there's something i need to do..yeah that has fit before...funny, a year ago same lack of sleep, different causes, at least directly... or fuel rather..this time not more than two cups of coffee per 24 hours to mask the fatique....
Pulling a double for work....been at work about 13 1/2 hours, about three more to far no break...mostly i'm doing okay, however in the past 20 min the hallucinations have started up..oh joys of sleep dep. Currrently at a different building than i work at, it feels very odd..nice here, but not home
glow radiant glow around everything
tactle halucinations (??) have started...didn't know things where gonna get so intense..wasn't feeling it much until now
on another note, today is pajama day for me! woot! any other clothing just didn't seem to be fit...comfy wins out over cute..though whale pajamas may count as cute??
hmmm...not quite sure where i am (that can be explained, but not gonna) so wondering how to get back home from here.. okay i go end post now.