Time to update

Sep 29, 2004 20:15

Hummm I have been quite slack this week ; not many updates I guess . So well ...what's been happening ? Steve is away , so I have been looking after my devils all my byself ... -luc's saying!- I am doing quite good me thinks ; although I do miss Steve an extreme lot . It has been such a long time since we have been apart for that long ...about 5 years ... Gosh ! that's why it feels so weird... But only 2 more nights to go ... I will be fine .
On monday I went to the funeral ; it was such a nice farewell .They had a viewing , and I decided I should go and see Michael . I am glad I did ; it made everything so much more real .I do know he is gone now , and that he is at peace . He looked very handsome , and very peaceful . There were quite a few people that turned up ...I don't know if Michael realised how many people did care about him . They had a few stories about him , and a very nice eulogy . It was beautiful to think of him and smile ; I am feeling much more comfortble now when I look at the house . But I will miss him lots though .
MIL had the kids for me , which was nice of her . And afterwards , I got home nice and early , bathed the kids , and put them to bed . They have been extremely good this week . I think they know that they have to go easy on me because Daddy is not home . They miss their daddy heaps too .
On tuesday , I satyed home ...had been a long time that I saw my house in daylight !!! MIL came over at lunchtime with Maccas . And we had a nice day .
And today , we had one of Leo 's friend from kinder coming over ....Melissa , her little sister Danielle  and their mum Michelle . We actually get on quite good , and we do have a lot in common . The kids had a ball .... It was nice to kick back and enjoy a cuppa . Then my next door neighbour came over for a cuppa , and then MIL came ... I am all cuppa'ed out I tell ya !!! LOL

Other than that .Ah yeah , I did get a message from Tom's doc . The results from his chest xray are "partially" clear .Nothing to be majorly concerned about . They will be reviewed by another doctor and if he thinks it needs further investigation , he will give me a call . Otherwise , we will just wait until we get an appointment at the Children's .
I am feeling good , happier now that I do have answers , but still would like to have seen the specialists at the hospital to be fully happy with everything .
My little man is commando crawling all over the place these days ...he is such a sweetheart . And today , he was trying hard to get on his hands and knees ! It  is so cute  ;)
Leo will be going to "big" school after the holidays ...I am dreading it , he is so looking forward to it ! Hummm my baby is not a baby anymore . I know I will bawl my eyes out ......I am such a sook !! LOL
Luc ...humm well I am trying to start toilet training again ...not much luck I'm afraid . I am at my wits ends with him...I just don't know how to get to use his bloody potty. He used it twice yesterday ...and I thought I was on the right track .but today , he just refused to go .....but refused the nappy . And yep , you guessed it , he actually relieved himself on the floor in his bedroom .....GRRRR What am I supposed to do ????? Any ideas you wonderful mamas ????? He was toilet trained for 2 days full in undies a few months back and he copped a gastro .... He did not make it to the potty in time ...since then , he just won't go . (And before you ask no I did not tell him off ......I comforted him and all ...but he still wouldn't go back on it )

So yeah what else ??? beuh....dunno really . I am feeling okay , I just need to exercise again ...even though everybody that has seen me lately tells me how much weight I have lost , I feel fat . So I need to do something about it . I just don't find the bloody time ; or when I do have the time ...I just can't be f*cked ! Hopefully with the warmer weather coming , I'll start walking again ...
Kinda bored tonight . MIL has gone home because she wanted to get there in time to watch some show so now I'm all alone . My bubbas are all sleeping soundly ..might login MSN and check if anyone is online ...dunno really .

Oh and yeah , my step mum sent me $250 for my b'day ...she apologised because it was late ...but man I was so happy ! No apologies necessary ...it was so unexpected !!!!!!! So now I might be able to go and get myself a new vacuum cleaner...mine's a shit thingo that just don't suck ...that don't make much sense hey ??? LMAO !!!!!!Because it does suck ...BIG TIME  !!!!!But yeah I understood myself ! ROFLMFAO

Anyway ..off to yams to check the boards....
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