Sep 21, 2009 09:31
Everything is fucked. I just have so much to do, and no energy to do it with. I've been melted into the couch for the past few days. I feel like shit. Somehow I lack the moral strength to force my body off its ass. I put off all of my homework until today and tomorrow. Of course my dad came home last night at midnight and had me unload a cord of wood from the truck. And then came and woke me up this morning with a long list of shit to do today.
I already had a long list of shit to do today. My day was way full. I didn't actually say that. He was already angry. There's something wrong with a day when you get yelled at before you get out of bed.
All I want to do is sit and whine and feel sick. It's like I have no blood pressure, which makes sense when my heart has no clue which way to pump.
Don't worry, folks. I'm much more disgusted than you are.