Jul 19, 2008 21:10
I'm making a list of foods I absolutely need to plant in order to get a good steady supply of them. The farmers' market is so heavy on heirloom tomatoes and squash, I don't think I should plant any of those.
What I should plant - yellow corn. I'm just not a fan of Silver Queen or whatever it is they call it. Also, tomatoes for cooking - paste tomatoes and generally, I want to can tomatoes and make sauces and ketchup and things. Not just eat them raw. So I should do that. And winter squash and sweet potatoes, anything else that really ripens in the autumn or after September. (How ridiculous to stop a farmers' market in our area at the end of August, is all I can say.)
I just went through all my shoes. You can tell what I like by what stayed versus what did not. All the silver shoes stayed, all four or five pairs of them. I kept two of five pairs of black shoes, and I think I kept a pair of white shoes. I also kept all of my various pairs of boots, with the exception of my hiking boots, because they are Dying and I need new ones. They're actually already Dead; I can't really wear them at all. After I finished with the shoes, I moved on to the dresser top. We had moved our dresser tray when we put the fan out, so I needed to go through the tray as well as my jewelry box, and then try to reconfigure everything so that it all fit on the dresser. I managed to do this, somehow.
Now I am off to find a poptart and milk.