The Joys of Paperwork (and Volunteerism)

Jul 25, 2005 17:07

Despite the fact that the term for a co-leader in Mothers & More is one year, and despite the fact that began my term on 1 July 2004, I'm still a co-leader of my chapter. For now. We (my co-leader & I) have one potential volunteer now that my term should already be over, and we're hoping to have our transition period complete by the time of our Town Hall meeting in August. That will, then, be my last meeting as a co-leader. We will now pause so you can all imagine the utter glee on my face and the dances that I will be doing.

Nevertheless, it'd be sad for me not to be doing anything, wouldn't it? So of course, I've already committed to heading up the Open House Committee as the Open House Coordinator. I've been to enough of them, after all. I'd also like to point out that aside from perhaps three or four other members, I've been a member of Mothers & More longer than anyone else in our chapter, despite the fact that I'm the youngest member of the chapter.

I've also acquired two new volunteer positions... or at least I'm working on acquiring them. The first is serving as a leader for a Daisy Girl Scout troop. What troop? Well, I don't properly know yet, but the plan is that it will be somewhere around here, and Gillian will be in it. Yes, that's right, she'll be old enough to be a Girl Scout this year! I've already gotten The Daisy Girl Scout Leader's Guide and Safety-Wise to read. This afternoon, I printed out the official Volunteer Application and filled it out. (primroseburrows, I listed you as a reference, so if you get a call from someone with the 'Girl Scout Council of Northwest Georgia,' that's why.)

I also finished editing my essays for my API Leader application and printed them out. I printed out a recommendation form to give to my mother (API lets you have one of your two recommendations from a family member; I could have picked Sam, but I thought that looked a little too cozy). I signed the affirmation or whatever on the application and folded everything up and placed it in the envelope. I just need to talk to Kay (my co-leader!) about how we're going to split the affliation fee and when she's sending in her application. She has a two week old little girl at the moment, so I'm guessing it'll be September when we have our first meeting. As for my other recommendation for the application... *looks very very innocent* Um, primroseburrows? Want to write a recommendation? :)

I feel like I've used up quite a bit of my afternoon on just filling out applications, though. That, and reading through Safety-Wise, which is alternately boring and fascinating in that 'I can't believe they have to spell THAT out!' kind of way.

girl scouts, api

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