Why, oh why, has no one ever told me how atrocious my LJ colours are? On Sam's laptop they look completely different, but I have a sneaking suspicion that my computer is telling the truth. *hides* Obviously something I have to correct sooner or later - and preferably sooner!
So, yes, the laptop is gone. *sigh* It's gone off to have something fixed and then when it returns, Sam's boss is demanding that Sam delete my account altogether. Sam doesn't really have much choice; the boss will check. So last night we copied everything in my account off the laptop onto this computer. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later when I can get my laptop, but I had to spend most of the day integrating two sets of stuff. Bleargh. Then I cleaned out my email. I deleted 3000 email messages from one account. Only about 125 in the patchfire.org addresses. Only. *rolls eyes at self*
Also in the spirit of cleaning, I straightened the office, did laundry, did dishes, swept the living room, retrieved letters and a chicken from the intake grate, and put away toys. I also finished yet another book, sent an email with book suggestions to a RL friend for an issue she's trying to decide on, and started reading the newest issue of Mother Earth News. Y'all didn't realise I was serious about the farm, horseback riding, and raising goats, did you? *g*
After I read Mother Earth News, I have a GQ waiting for me. *happy sigh* Brand new pens, too.
Nearly forgot! Because I am a horrible slacker and did not send Christmas cards, I am going to send Valentines.
Email me with your address, please, darlings. Even if you think I have it, because I am a t00b. They're lovely Valentines, I promise. :-)