Jan 27, 2010 19:59
Don't care if I get in trouble for this one. Not much pisses me off more than when people get their kids things they WANT, and blatantly ignore their most basic of NEEDS. I don't care if it makes them unpopular not to have whatever new thing-a-ma-jiggy bauble they want. I don't care if they pout, whine, thrown a damn tantrum. I JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT. Don't let yourself feel guilty about not getting them the latest whatever. Feel guilty if you can't feed them a square, balanced diet. Feel guilty if you can't keep your word to them when it really matters. Feel guilty when you end up on the street and welfare because you spent rent money on fucking toys.
Ok, I'm done. Time to go clean the bathroom.
i don't get it,
i hate almost everyone,