Down on the corner, out here in the street....

Sep 15, 2007 00:39


My back's almost back to normal, hallelujah! As much as I like chiropractors (and I really, really do - I spent a lot of time on that rolly-bed thing when I was a kid), I'm glad I didn't have to go to one for this. Time, ibuprofen and muscle relaxers have healed this wound. :-)

Every once in a while I think it's kinda...frustrating that physical therapists now have to get their doctorate in order to practice. And I remember that the first time I heard that, it was Matt Hoffner telling me about it. I miss Matt. Wherefore art thou, job security? And speaking of, saw and chatted to Dave Walton the other day. Oddness, truly.

That entire paragraph smacks of Lucy. :-)

Tina, I packed another bag of bottles for you! That's $12, count em, $12 worth of bottles for the Tina-to-Tina fund! Why do I enjoy returning bottles so much? I am a sick, sick individual.

This is me waiting for my regional contact to get back to me about my application to the corgi rescue organization. I like to think that I'm waiting patiently. It's hard for me to think about anything else, especially when my awesome landlady squeeeeeed over it almost as much as I did. :-)

And, well, I guess it's safe to say that the wedding wrap dress is an unqualified success. I like it with the boots - which were also a hit, believe it or not. How old are those things? 5 years? Something like that. I can't believe they're still kickin' it. Hahahaha, boots, kickin' it....I kill myself. It'd be even better if they were kickin' it old skool. :-)

I have bypassed Cloud 9 and have made myself comfy on #10 - tickets to both of my upcoming shows are now in my possession. Larissa, they were $15 each, no worries! Yay Finger Eleven, FINALLY! Those bastards better not pull out this time - 3 out of 3 would warrant nothing less than death. I DESERVE to see them live, after all the shit I've been through for it! And, nothing but love for the Sick Puppies. Viva Australia! Also, Seether/BreakingBen/3DG? Those, too, are on my fridge. I get all sweaty and goose-bumpy when I touch them. If I had a firstborn, I would have sacrificed the child to ensure my attendance at this venue. I'm glad it didn't have to come to that. :-)

Alright, alright, I'm going. Hahaha, I never called my Dad back this afternoon - why on Earth does he want to talk about the little green men story? I swear...

breaking ben, seether, finger eleven, 3dg, big tina, concert, sick puppies, my back hurts, corgi

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